Our Team of Professionals

Lisa Tourret

Consultant Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon

Lisa Tourret - Consultant Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon

Contact details

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust:

Secretary: Tara Kirk
Phone: 01273 696955 ext 4258
Email: tara.kirk@nhs.net

Montefiore Hospital, Hove:
(Private and Choose and Book patients)

Hospital Bookings Phone: 01273 828030
Secretary: Cath Amos
Phone: 07791 801232
Email: shoulder2hand@gmail.com

Nuffield Health Hospital, Woodingdean
(Private Patients)

Hospital Phone: 01273 627008
Secretary: Cath Amos
Phone: 07791 801232
Email: shoulder2hand@gmail.com

External Websites

LinkedIn Profile
Montefiore Profile
Nuffield Health Profile


All aspects of hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder surgery.
Special interests in sports injuries, upper limb reconstructions and joint replacements.
All types of upper limb trauma.

Current Posts

Consultant Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Consultant Hand and Upper limb Surgeon: Montefiore Hospital, Hove

Training and Qualifications

Qualified: 1991, Sheffield University Medical School
Basic Surgical Training: Sheffield and South Yorkshire
Orthopaedic Training: North East
Masters: Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Medicine, Dundee
Fellowships: Auckland, New Zealand: Shoulder and Elbow at North Shore Hospital
Hand and Wrist at Middlemore Hospital
Previous Consultant Job: Sunderland Royal Hospital from 2006 until moving to Brighton in 2012

Professional Interests

Local Service Development: improving outcomes for hand surgery patients in Sussex and Brighton through education and service improvement
Research: Thumb base arthritis, functional hand outcome scores, joint replacements in the hand and wrist
Exploring: the possibility of developing a truly regional network of support and expertise for hand surgery to improve patient experiences and outcomes
Teaching: Undergraduates at Brighton Medical School and as Faculty on National Postgraduate courses

Personal Interests

A keen Sportswoman, Lisa runs Half Marathons and Marathons for Charity as well as enjoying Road cycling in the South Downs. She lives with her Partner and they have a Labradoodle, Bertie who also enjoys long walks and the Great Outdoors.